Saturday, June 30, 2012

Improve IT Productivity By Avoiding These 5 Problems | Small ...


Improve IT Productivity In the business world, small and enterprise alike sometimes trying to improve IT productivity fails. And sadly, some times this might be acceptable because the business owner does not see the problem.

But, ignorance should not be a reason to let things slide. Here are five problems you should avoid when trying to improve IT productivity.

1.) Ignoring the Human Element of Security

You can have the most impenetrable firewall in the world, even one of the most rock solid anti-virus and spam filters on your IT infrastructure.

But all of that means nothing if you don?t have a human being to monitor things, or have your human beings educated.

All it takes is one socially engineered receptionist or a sales guy that got phished and that?s it to destroy your efforts to improve IT productivity. Your impenetrable fortress has been breached. Don?t rely completely on the technology to do the work for you.

2.) If you do BYOD, Don?t Take a Relaxed Approach

As a business, it?s up to you if you want to do BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies. However if you do, don?t just say it?s allowed and leave it at that.

If you don?t require a standard on hardware, then at least have a standard on software.

3.) Creating ?The One?

The one true employee who you can always depend on for everything?to the point you?d never be able to let him go.

A good plan would be to have everyone on a team be brought up to one guy?s level.

If he knows things that other people don?t know, have some sort of education or communication going around. This in turn means everyone is just as valuable and you don?t feel reliant on one person.

4.) Failure to Virtualize

This is still something fairly recent, but it?s such a good idea that it?s one of those, you would be a fool not to things.

Should anything happen to your physical network, you may have just created unnecessary downtime. This would not have been the case if you had virtualized your infrastructure.

5.) Cost Being More Important Than Value

This is a subject that always gets me. The dollar figure of how much something costs being more important than a potentially valuable idea or setup.

Try not to look too deeply into cost.

If you can legitimately afford to something better, then why worry about saving a couple dollars now when you save more money over the long term by having a better constructed infrastructure.

Improve It Productivity With Knowledge

These are things that happen all too often that can easily be avoided when you need to improve IT productivity.

Knowledge is power, but if you don?t use that knowledge then nothing happens. If you find yourself doing any of these it may be a good idea for your business to consider the advice laid out.

What do you do to improve IT productivity? Have you made any of these mistakes in the past? Let us know your thoughts!

Tags: common IT mistakes, improve efficiency with technology, improve IT productivity, technology mistakes

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